Kids Lunch Favorites!

We have a standard lunch that the kids like best, but I like to change it up when I have time! The standby is peanut butter and jelly, a yogurt drink or Capri Sun, bag of chips/popcorn (from the multi-pack bag!), fruit (applesauce if we don’t have any fresh fruit left!) and whatever veggies we have. If I have time, I throw in a couple Hershey’s miniatures, or three Oreo thins in a tiny little 2 oz. cup.


I love to put fresh fruit and veggies in every day! Somehow I feel like a good mom on those days (why do we give ourselves grades on parenting?). My favorites (and thus, easy to prep!) are cuties/clementines, Honeycrisp apples from the 5 lb. bag (they are smaller), a little snip of grapes in a ziploc, or a small pile of berries in a bigger (5.5 oz cup). Presliced apples are nice, but I did find a way to soak them in salt water, and they are pretty good!


Our favorite veggies to pack (usually in a snack size Ziploc) are sugar snap peas, petite carrots, mini bell peppers. If I have time, I love cut cucumbers, red bell pepper strips, broccoli florets.


Not all kids like dairy, but mine do! Mozzarella sticks are easy, yogurt smoothies, block cheese cut into tiny cubes or slices with crackers, Babybels (if they promise to throw the red wax away…they like to craft things with it. : O )


Gosh, Carter loves pistachios and peanuts..even picking them out of the shells! (I do hate the mess..and I hope the lunch ladies don’t hate me!) Mixed nuts are easy if they need protein, and they aren’t in a meat or sandwich mood. Walnuts and pecans are yum, and great with cheese or fruit.


It’s easy to fill this little area of the food pyramid (they really do need carbs for energy!). We like gold fish, cheez-its, pretzels, crackers with cheese or peanut butter, animal crackers, graham crackers, or even Scooby snacks!


Ethan once wrote me a note (third grade), and he asked that I never make meat sandwiches again…haha!! Carter however loves ham, cheese, and mustard. He also likes salami, or just a couple boiled eggs. PB&J is just my go-to. Branch out, friends! Make wraps and roll-ups!

By all means, pack whatever your kids will eat…they NEED to eat! : ) Need to buy Lunchables, Snackers, or Foodles? No judgement, my kids are jealous! Send soup, grill cheese, or pomegranates! Clay used to eat whole bell peppers and pick seeds from pomegranates. He was different (but the BRAVEST eater!). And if you are super brave? Just tell them to make their own lunches. : )

love, mom


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