Valentine’s Day!

I don’t know about you, but I’m already thinking about Valentine’s Day! Pink, red, hearts, love…all my favorites! Here are just a few of my favorite free valentines that you and your child can make together! Your college student may even want to make a few for their friends..and I totally gave my teacher friends some valentines! (Hershey’s hugs and kisses are always welcome!!)

I’m so BERRY happy we’re friends! (Fruit Snack) Valentines

These are just right for a healthy-ish snack! Click here to go to her website, scroll down, and download the free fruit snack pdf! A small amount of assembly required (print, cut, tape on fruit snacks!). They are adorable!

Bookmark Valentines

These are so cute..and simple to make! Just print, cut, hole punch, and add ribbon! Here is the site with instructions, and here is the link to download!

Tic-Tac-Toe Valentines

We made these for Carter’s friends last year! They were easy! I bought little 3” x 4” craft ziplocs at Hobby Lobby, printed and cut the tic-tac-toe boards, then put ten M&M’s inside each bag (5 each of two colors). I think they just ate them..but they were so cute! Click here for the blog! You will have to click that they are for personal use..and subscribe to their newsletter.

Dinosaur Valentines

These sweet little dino valentines are CUTE! Especially if your little one is into all things dinosaur! Right now, Hobby Lobby has little sets of dinosaurs in stock in the Valentine’s section (and 40% off!) or they have these ready to go valentines! Here is the site, and here is the printable!

Army Men Valentines

I have to tell you… I made a bunch of these for my husband! After you buy a bucket of ought to use them! And..they had some 80’s songs mixed in, score! These are just hearts you print on red paper or card stock, cut, and tie to soldiers! Here is the link to the blog, and here is a sheet of tags I made since she didn’t include one! : )

Glow Stick Valentines

Print these hearts, punch two holes, and run a single glow stick through them! : ) Click here for the link and to print!

Orange with pink and white ribbon with the tag: Valentine, you're my main squeeze!"

Main Squeeze Valentines

I made this for my husband a couple years ago, I thought it was sweet! You are welcome to make your own! I made him fourteen different sweet ones...and gave him one every day. (The soldier was one of them!). I gave him a Domino’s gift card with the tag, “You’ve got a pizza my heart".” His toothpaste said, “I love to see you smile, Valentine!” A bag of chips had the tag, “You’re all that and a bag of chips!” A Planter’s can of nuts was labeled, “I’m nuts about you!” …and I got him a new pack of his favorite pens with the tag, “You are just write, Valentine!” I probably need to do that again this year with new things! (I made you a couple sheets of tags if you’d like to play along with a husband! (only one tag (kisses) is just for husbands..the rest you could probably give to anyone, haha!) Click here to print or make a copy!

University of Arkansas Students

If your kids are away at UA, I do have a Valentine’s Day Gift that will be delivered to your sweet student in Fayetteville! Either a heart-shaped pizza made locally with balloons or fresh flowers! Both include a box of sweet and salty (and chocolate-y) treats! : )

Happy Valentine’s Day!

love, mom




Simmering Potpourri